Even if you’re meticulous about following your car manufacturer’s recommended service schedule to a T, there might be a service you don’t even know you need: alignment. Because there are few symptoms and the ones that do exist tend to be subtle, the need for alignment service often goes undetected
And then there’s the fact that some drivers aren’t aware of what alignment is all about. It’s important, though – so Walt Massey Chevrolet’s service center is here to help you get back on track.
Alignment service is a quick and easy task that involves realigning a suspension system that has been nudged out of proper alignment. This can happen in many different ways – bumping over a pothole, clipping a curb, or even just traveling one too many badly maintained roads. When your suspension is out of whack, your tires may take the burden and sustain excessive and uneven wear and tear. That’s why you’ll want to get alignment service taken care of as soon as possible.
The automotive pros at Walt Massey Chevrolet are ready to get this job done quickly and efficiently, without overcharging. This simple service can be done with just a small investment of time – and for a refreshingly low price. So there’s no reason to put off this important job any longer.
The best rule of thumb for any potential automotive problem is this: If in doubt, get it checked out. That said, there are a couple of signs and symptoms that an observant driver like you can be on the lookout for.
Does your car tend to pull to one side or the other when you’re driving along a straight path? This can be a sign that your alignment has been bumped off track. If that’s the case, check the tires. Do they show uneven wear and tear, or even just more wear than you would expect for their age?
If so, you’ll want to get your car in for an inspection at Walt Massey Chevrolet. There, our service team will take great care of your vehicle and make sure that you’re ready to take to the roads safely once more
If the idea of taking your car to the shop stresses you out, you’ll love the way we work at Walt Massey Chevrolet! For starters, we offer low everyday service and parts prices that won’t strain your budget. In addition to that, we have a whole lineup of service offers that can help you save even more – taking the financial worry out of auto maintenance.
We understand that your time is just as valuable as your money, so we strive to make it as convenient as possible to get your car the services it needs to be its best. You can choose a date and time that fits into your busy life and schedule your service appointment online. We’ll get your car all caught up on the services it needs so you can get back to the things you want to do!